Arizona Federal CU is changing its stripes to focus on the wealthy, not “people of small means” or the underserved, or the most disadvantaged people in their community. Yet, they trumpet how much they care about member-owners and the community.

Arizona FCU is changing its stripes to focus on the wealthy, not “people of small means” or the underserved, or the most disadvantaged people in their community. Yet, they trumpet how much they care about member-owners and the community.

Are the tax-subsidized credit union services targeted to those most in need of subsidized financial services? Who should receive taxpayer-supported
financial services?

“In my view, credit unions in the United States seems to be drifting towards becoming a not for-profit banking sector. Institutions that are virtually indistinguishable from mutual banks.” Norman D’Amours, Former NCUA Chairman

About Arizona Federal Credit Union Members United

Arizona Federal Credit Union Members United is a group of over 100 members and former members who care about our credit union being run fairly. The leadership of the credit union has failed to represent us properly by enacting a new and unnecessary, unavoidable, unconscionable, $3 monthly membership fee that we did not want. The members did not ask for this. Before implementing such a counter-productive fee, the proposal should have been put up for a vote to all the members to decide, so the will of the people is followed. The member-owners of Arizona FCU should not be taxed $3 monthly, simply for being a member. We want all the $3 monthly member fees refunded to all current and past members, the elimination of the fee going forward, and the elimination of the $25 rejoining fee. We are against any financial institution charging an unavoidable ongoing membership fee, simply for being a member. This is the wrong approach. Members and customers should be valued, not punished. We want to see Arizona FCU succeed, not fail. Imposing unfair policies that are detrimental to the long-run success of the credit union and detrimental to society should be abolished.
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